
An icon for our transportation mode selection game

A logistics transport game

Can you help your customer select the best transport?Play our transport mode selection game to find out if you can. Learn about Air, Integrator, FCL, LCL, FTL and LTL transport modes and select the correct one for each of our transport scenarios.

A picture of gantry cranes to illustrate our article

Gantry cranes in action

A gantry is a bridge-like structure, with side supports, enabling it to span, to be, over something. A gantry crane is exactly that: a crane, which thanks to its supporting side and cross beams, can straddle, be placed above cargo, and approach it from this position.

4P pyramid icon four our article on fourth party logistics

What is a 4PL?

The 4PL term – short for fourth party logistics – dates back to 1996 and was coined by Accenture who defined a 4PL as: “A supply chain integrator that assembles and manages the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization with those of complementary service providers to deliver a comprehensive supply chain solution.” 

An icon to illustrate our article on the supply chain and its major flow

The supply chain – its material and logistics flows

Supply chain definition – what is a supply chain. The term Supply chain can be defined as “the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity” and it is generally said to concern the management of 3 main flows:

A pile up of our logistics training icons

Logistics icons

On this page, you can find some logistics related icons which we use in our logistics training online courses and eLearning modules.

A visual representation of the new 2020 Incoterm DPU, Delivered at Place Unloaded. Extract from our Incoterms training.

DPU Incoterms® video

A video explaining the DPU Incoterms® and extracted from our Incoterms® training

An icon representing some vessels for our ship and vessel profiles article

Vessel ship profiles

Below are some graphics of vessel ship profiles, we use in our logistics eLearnings and training courses.

An icon for our truck profiles article

Road transport equipment profiles

A graphic of some ground transport equipment transport which we use in our logistics eLearnings and training courses. From top to bottom: van, straight truck, container chassis, flatbed, curtainsider semi-trailer, a jumbo trailer combination, a larger road train, a low loader – heavy duty trailer, a commonly used North American tractor.

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