Learning logistics and limiting travel

With the current health situation, limiting travel is key in fighting the pandemic. Avoiding face to face training and promoting distance learning is one important factor in this fight and a significant number of helpful training companies are providing free or discounted access to training material and eLearning courses.

The health situation has also brought on a complicated economic situation in which many individuals must or may want to re-think their career path. Due to the comparatively lower impact of this crisis on the global supply chain and the logistics sector, many are or may look into this field as a source of employment option or for a future career move.

If the situation perdures, the global supply chain will most likely need to re-invent itself with a resurgence of local production and shorter haul moves, but logistics will remain a vibrant and dynamic employment sector.

Gaining access to training material and understanding what logistics and supply chain is about is a key first step for anyone interested in this field.

Allyn International is one provider that aims to help with both these circumstances by offering, since mid-March, all its logistics and supply chain introductory online eLearning training courses for free as well as a significant discount on all other courses.

Allyn International, a logistics and trade compliance specialist, with years of experience in the global marketplace, has always been committed to furthering the personal and professional development of its team members. They have been developing in-house, subject matter expert-led, virtual eLearnings for quite some time. With a proven track record of producing educational material for adult learners on their core business operations, they soon realized they could provide online eLearning training to external audiences as well.

As since its foundation by its two owners Allen and Julie Lynn (hence the business name Allyn) in 1992, Allyn has held contribution and well-being as two of its keys values, it came naturally to try and help in some way, when the global pandemic swept over the planet.

So if you are curious about logistics and want to learn more about logistics and supply chain, you can take a look at Allyn’s learning blog @ https://logisticselearning.com/ or register for some of the courses @ https://allynintlcatalog.trainlearngrow.com/.

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